Friday, April 17, 2015

school uniforms

1. Principal
2. Students
3. Teachers/other administrators

1. What do you think of the school uniforms?
2. do the students have options?
3. Why do you think they enforce the uniform rule?
4. Does this benefit anyone?
5. What will the uniform allow?
6. What are good things about the uniform?
7. What are bad things about the uniform?
8. Was this voted for ?
9. Or, was this a decision made without any say from the student body and etc.?
10. Were clothing options from students a big problem before the uniforms?
11.  How do you think the parents feel about this?
12. How do you think the students feel about this?
13. How do you think the other administration feel about this?
14. What were the rules of dress code before the uniforms?
15.  What message are you trying to get across with making students wear uniforms?
16. Based on your opinion, are the uniforms comfortable?
17. How will the rules of the uniforms be enforced?
18. Will the students have any privileges with the uniform or is there a strict rule?
19. Will there be any days the students can wear something other than their uniforms?
20. will uniforms be continued on throughout the years?

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